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Personal Care

There is an ancient Chinese medicine axiom that says: 'One disease, long life; no disease, short life.' Doesn't this sound utterly bizarre? Why would going through the ordeal of a major illness or medical condition ...

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Antioxidants are a special group of substances that are found in foods or produced in your body. They help defend your cells from free radicals that seek to destroy them. Without antioxidants to act as ...

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Allergies can be so unpredictable. You don't always know when and where they will strike. Popping allergy medicine can help, but there's a more natural and immediate way to find relief.With acupressure, you let your ...

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These simple and effective methods of acupressure can be safely used to alleviate chronic pain.  As always, when engaging in self-acupressure, find a comfortable position before beginning. Take a minute or two for focused deep ...

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Qi Gong is a dynamic form of energy medicine originating in ancient China. It is a perfected, refined system comprised of various breathing techniques, physical exercises, body postures and meditation practices. The goal of Qi ...

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Tai chi is a special form of exercise originating in ancient China. The name, tai chi, translates as 'Supreme Ultimate Exercise' or 'Skill'.  Initially it began as a martial arts practice, but developed into forms ...

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In addition to seeking Oriental medicine therapy for peripheral neuropathy, here are a few things you can practice at home:Adopt Healthy HabitsHealthy habits such as maintaining optimal weight, avoiding exposure to toxins, following a physician-supervised ...

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Feeling bogged down with stress, fatigue, and anxiety--and you haven't even gotten out of bed yet? If so, it sounds like you could use an infusion of endorphins. Endorphins are secreted in the brain and ...

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How many cosmetic facial treatments can you think of that promote feelings of general well-being and have the ability to address certain medical issues in the body, all while making you gorgeous at the same ...

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How many cosmetic facial treatments can you think of that promote feelings of general well-being and have the ability to address certain medical issues in the body, all while making you gorgeous at the same ...

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Trouble focusing on your work or losing steam mid-way? Oriental medicine has innovative approaches to restoring concentration, based on an interpretation of Qi, the energy which powers the body and the mind. According to Oriental ...

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Just about every person in the world today carries some anger. Anger hurts not only oneself but even more so our loved ones. It destroys health, traumatizes families and relationships, jeopardizes work relationships and jobs ...

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Whether you are in the health care profession or taking care of a loved one or friend, being a caregiver is a gift. It is a great opportunity to put someone else's needs before yours ...

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Non-compliance is one of the biggest issues health care practitioners face today. It even happens among ourselves. Practitioner or not, we all have some degree of this. There is a resistance to not taking better ...

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Welcome to the Year of the Dragon! For many years I have given forecasts about a new year based on the ancient Taoist science of the Five Elements Cycle, which predicts the global trends that ...

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Feeling a little foggy? Having trouble concentrating? Massage acupuncture point Du 20 for some mental clarity. Du 20 is located on top of the head, midway between the ears. It is used to clear ...

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The endocrine system provides regulation of the body through hormonal secretions. Cultivating your endocrine health combined with proper nutrition and diet can boost energy, improve appetite, reduce insomnia, relieve depression symptoms, improve circulation, relieve muscle ...

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The Year of the Rabbit officially begins on February 3rd, 2011 and the elemental energies are again metal and wood, similar to the Tiger Year we are leaving behind. Therefore some of the unpredictability and ...

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Is your energy level low? Do you feel tired even after you sleep? Do you find you have difficulty concentrating and feel overwhelmed? These are all signs of Adrenal Fatigue. Although a doctor coined the ...

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Welcome to the year of the Tiger! Each year for close to 20 years I™ve given forecasts about the year based on the ancient Tao system of Five Elements Phase Energetic that predicts the global ...

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I am going to tell you a secret. All diets will work if they lower your caloric intake and you STICK TO IT! It™s pure physics: Our weight is determined by the amount of energy ...

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Are you really healthy? What are the health indexes in Chinese medicine system?  Chinese medicine sees our body as a reflection of this universe and sees the material world as consisting of the five elements ...

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Acupuncture is probably the best known, most common, and most accepted Chinese natural treatment to help your face and body turn back the hands of time. Acupressure uses the same principles as acupuncture, replacing the ...

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Who among us doesn™t want to live a long life? The desire to survive is built into us. As animals, we react instinctively to protect ourselves in the face of danger. As organisms our bodies ...

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Get a fasting lipoprotein profile to find out what your total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride numbers are. Calculate your risk for heart disease using the ATP III assessment tool. Discuss your risk ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and am wondering if acupuncture can help me with my symptoms?

A: Yes. Acupuncture is beneficial for CFS.CFS surfaced in the United States in the late 1980s and is a baffling human ailment. People may exper... Read More