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Dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation occurs before, during, and after a woman's menstruation.  The cramping can occurs mainly in the lower abdomen, but can also be experienced in the lower back and even down the legs.  ...

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The endocrine system is responsible for hormonal functions in the body and produces thirty distinct hormones each of which has a very specific job to do. This system controls your physical growth, mood, hormone output ...

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Statistics show that one in five couples over the age of 30 have difficulty conceiving after one year of trying. Many of these couples turn to acupuncture and Oriental medicine for a safe, effective and ...

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, has also been known by the name Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, and includes a multi system presentation, having its effects on the skin, hair, body weight, endocrine system, and reproductive system. It ...

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Paul Magarelli, M.D., Ph.D., an infertility physician at the Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Center, and Diane Cridennda, L.Ac., an acupuncturist at East Winds, both centers in Colorado Springs, Colo., published their evidence of acupuncture™s demonstrable ...

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It can be frightening, this yearning for a child " it™s hard to fathom the desperate urgency. "Wendy Wasserstein, award-winning playwright and first-time mother at age forty-six, from Creating a Life by Sylvia Hewett Susie™s ...

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Can acupuncture offer a natural fertility aid to couples struggling to get pregnant?  Just ask the McSheffertys.Remember that expression, "Only your hairdresser knows for sure?" For Sean and Valerie McShefferty, what Valerie’s hairdresser knew provided ...

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Generally a "low sperm count" diagnosis for a man is a devastating blow. The alleged measure of one's "maleness" has somehow been tipped in the wrong direction. This measure can mean that a man feels ...

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Preparing to have children is perhaps a new concept for an optimistic couple in a modern world. Why "prepare" to have children? Why is there ever a problem? Getting pregnant should be as easy as ...

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Evidence that Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine have been used to aid fertility can be found in early medical literature dating back to 3AD. The condition was first recorded by Zhang Zhong-jing, a famous physician from ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: My biggest problem is that I don't have any will power. How does Chinese medicine view will power and can acupuncture help?

A: The Will Power Connection: Is there a body/mind connection to will power? According to the principles of Oriental medicine, there is. Will ... Read More