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Recipes and Food

An interesting 2017 study published in Pharmacognosy Research called "Honey and Health: A Review of Recent, Clinical Research," highlights the many reasons why honey is a valuable medicinal substance that should be used in clinical settings ...

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The defining characteristic of fibromyalgia is pain. 'Fibro' is Latin for fibrous tissue, 'my' means muscles, and 'algia' is the word for pain. Therefore, it is essential that treatment consists of effective palliative measures. Diet ...

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There are basic digestive issues that respond well to what is colloquially referred to as 'kitchen medicine.' This basically means you can find delicious and nutritious ways to treat bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and more ...

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Difficulty breathing, wheezing, mucus build-up in the lungs, tightness in the chest, fatigue, blue nail beds, and chronic coughing are common signs that your respiratory system is struggling to function. Give your lungs a helping ...

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Antioxidants are a special group of substances that are found in foods or produced in your body. They help defend your cells from free radicals that seek to destroy them. Without antioxidants to act as ...

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Ginger has been found to increase the secretion of gastric juice. In fact, ginger can be used for most digestive upsets that involve nausea, vomiting, cramping, abdominal pain, indigestion or diarrhea. This means that food ...

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A balanced, varied diet can help ease the pain of arthritis by providing vitamins and minerals that keep your joints healthy. Avoiding "damp" foods, such as dairy products and greasy or spicy fare, also helps ...

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One important way we can help ensure a restful night is by making wise decisions during the day when it comes to our diet. Eating foods and drinking teas with nutrients beneficial to our sleep ...

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When it comes to lifestyle changes, a diet rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, and iodine helps support thyroid function.Here are three groups of foods to include in your diet: Sea Vegetables/SeaweedIodine is an essential element ...

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Looking to support your health and also boost your brain function? You can achieve both of these goals through nutrition. According to Oriental medicine (OM), good nutrition can improve mental activity, physical and emotional strength ...

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Adding nutrient-rich super foods to the diet can give men a healthy boost. Here are just a few foods that can help maintain muscle mass, prevent prostate cancer, and more. Avocados  Avocados are a good ...

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The National Fibromyalgia Association recommends a balanced diet containing nutrient dense foods free of artificial additives and sweeteners to help your body fight fibromyalgia syndrome.  Some key nutrients to include are:B-ComplexFound in whole grains, beans ...

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Rich and aromatic plant oils are most often associated with aromatherapy and are usually used in massage oils, incense and are diffused in the air for a soothing and healing affect. The benefits of essential ...

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Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins are part of any healthy diet. Here are six nutrients that can enhance your health and vitality. Garlic - Garlic boosts your immunity, increasing your ability to fight ...

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Acupuncture views nutrition in a complex light, through the application of Oriental medicine wisdom to dietary habits. In short, certain foods are considered too yang, or hot to eat in excess during the warmer months ...

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The endocrine system provides regulation of the body through hormonal secretions. Cultivating your endocrine health combined with proper nutrition and diet can boost energy, improve appetite, reduce insomnia, relieve depression symptoms, improve circulation, relieve muscle ...

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The Nei Jing Classic of Internal Medicine, compiled over 2000 years ago, may contain the first known Chinese writings of the dynamic relationship between health and the energies of foods, or Chinese dietary therapy. The ...

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Chinese Medicine uses the fruit (Xi Gua) and the seeds (Xi Gua Ren) for dehydration and summer heat symptoms, which include thirst without desire to drink, a band-like headache, nausea, irritability, low appetite, heavy, weighted ...

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Parties, family gatherings, and travel make the holiday season special.  However, these events also present opportunities for stress and overeating, which can lead to an accumulation of toxins that weigh us down mentally and physically ...

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For most cultures across the globe, there are beauty constants such as clear skin, bright eyes, and shiny hair. Like calmness and strength, these outward features are universally attractive. While we work towards these qualities ...

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In China, the pomegranate fruit symbolized longevity. Now there is scientific evidence for the fruit's restorative powers.Scientists have tested the juice in mice and found that it combats hardening of the arteries (atherogenesis) and related ...

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According to traditional Chinese medicine, crisp salad greens, iced teas, fruits and juices, and other yin foods help maintain balance during the hot summer months.Try our Asian pear and spinach salad served alongside salmon, marinated ...

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Whether you turn to acupuncture or allopathic medicine for healing, choosing the right foods for your constitution will speed your progress. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), health is a state of balance in which ...

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Summer, the season of Yang energy and activity. Under the rising temperature, our bodies are especially prone to accumulated Heat and Dampness. The high metabolic rate causes much perspiration, at the expense of Qi (vital ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: What can acupuncture treat?

A: What Acupuncture Can Treat Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are extremely successful in the treatment of a multitude of conditions. Many pe... Read More