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Stomach, Digestive, Intestinal Problems

A study entitled "Comparison Between Effects of Acupuncture and Metoclopramide on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting After Gynaecological Laparoscopy: A Randomized, Controlled Trial," reveals some very positive results regarding the use of acupuncture. The trial appeared ...

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There are basic digestive issues that respond well to what is colloquially referred to as 'kitchen medicine.' This basically means you can find delicious and nutritious ways to treat bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and more ...

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Sometimes a simple, non-invasive approach can help mitigate some challenging problems facing chemotherapy patients, as demonstrated by a study entitled "The Effects of P6 Acupressure in the Prophylaxis of Chemotherapy-related Nausea and Vomiting in Breast ...

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The occasional bout of mild cramping, coupled with an urgency to use the bathroom is usually not a reason to worry, especially the morning after an overly-indulgent, or extra spicy dinner. However, severe abdominal cramping ...

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Ginger has been found to increase the secretion of gastric juice. In fact, ginger can be used for most digestive upsets that involve nausea, vomiting, cramping, abdominal pain, indigestion or diarrhea. This means that food ...

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Nausea is an uncomfortable urge to vomit, which can range from mild queasiness to serious distress. While nausea is not classified as a disease itself, it is an indicator that something else is wrong.  Depending ...

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Celiac disease goes by other names such as celiac spruce and gluten-sensitive enteropathy. There are also dozens of signs and symptoms, and new ones currently under investigation. The severity of symptoms varies widely, and some ...

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Ulcerative Colitis is part of a category of diseases called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and it presents with inflammation in the lining of the large intestine, specifically the colon and sometimes the rectum. The lining ...

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For some people, eating a heavy, spicy or fatty meal can produce the unmistakable signs of acid reflux. Symptoms can vary from a burning pain in the chest to a sour taste in the mouth ...

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Crohn's disease is a medical condition that can cause chronic inflammation anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract--from the mouth all the way to the rectum. Often, but not always, the inflamed tissue is specifically found in ...

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A common disorder affecting 10 to 20 percent of adults at some point in their lives, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) was once called "spastic colon" and is the end result of nervous interference with the ...

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A group of disorders in which the immune system attacks the body and destroys or alters tissues, there are more than 80 serious chronic illnesses in the category of autoimmune disorders including lupus, multiple sclerosis ...

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More than 95 million Americans suffer from digestive disorders ranging from constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome to more serious conditions such as acid reflux (GERD), ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.  In fact, more than ...

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Diverticulitis occurs when one or more diverticula—small, bulging pouches that form in the digestive tract—become inflamed or infected. Diverticula can form anywhere in the digestive system, from the esophagus to the small intestine, but are ...

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Every year millions of people suffer from bouts of vomiting and diarrhea due to food poisoning. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are as many as 33 million cases of ...

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Traditional Chinese Medical Theory for Digestive Disorders In traditional Chinese medical theory, the Spleen is the key organ involved in gastro-intestinal disorders. The Spleen has primary responsibility for "transforming" and "transporting" food essence in ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: My 4 year old has severe Eczema. Can acupuncture help?

A: Skin conditions are difficult to ignore. Atopic dermatitis is a common, chronic, life-altering disease that affects the skin. Atopic dermati... Read More