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Mental Health

There are a multitude of health-related repercussions that accompany the average American's hectic lifestyle. We have neck pain from holding the phone to our ear while racing to work, spend the business day anxious then ...

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Shortness of breath. Anxiousness. A heart that feels like it's going to pop out of your chest. These are the tell-tale signs and symptoms of a panic attack. They often come on abruptly and reach ...

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The list of things that can stir up our anxieties is long and varied. If we look at a few officially-recognized phobias, starting with the letter "A", we have aerophobia, the fear of flying; astraphobia ...

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Feeling bogged down with stress, fatigue, and anxiety--and you haven't even gotten out of bed yet? If so, it sounds like you could use an infusion of endorphins. Endorphins are secreted in the brain and ...

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Trouble focusing on your work or losing steam mid-way? Oriental medicine has innovative approaches to restoring concentration, based on an interpretation of Qi, the energy which powers the body and the mind. According to Oriental ...

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Looking to support your health and also boost your brain function? You can achieve both of these goals through nutrition. According to Oriental medicine (OM), good nutrition can improve mental activity, physical and emotional strength ...

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Depression refers to severe and long-lasting 'down' times that impair regular activities. Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, including socioeconomic constraints, but a family history of depression and severe stress can increase ...

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Just about every person in the world today carries some anger. Anger hurts not only oneself but even more so our loved ones. It destroys health, traumatizes families and relationships, jeopardizes work relationships and jobs ...

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Whether you are in the health care profession or taking care of a loved one or friend, being a caregiver is a gift. It is a great opportunity to put someone else's needs before yours ...

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Having difficulties focusing, remembering tasks or organizing your thoughts?   Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can help optimize your brain power through a treatment approach that incorporates different modalities, including nutritional support.According to acupuncture and Oriental medicine ...

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As a normal part of life, stress enables us to get things done. If left unmanaged, stress can lead to emotional, psychological, and even physical problems. Stress causes a disruption in the flow of vital ...

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PTSD are the initials that stand for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a severe type of anxiety disorder. PTSD results from a person witnessing or being involved in a traumatic event that causes intense fear, helplessness or ...

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Everyone suffers from irritability and moodiness from time to time, but if you find that a short temper and frustration are becoming a constant issue for you, then acupuncture may be able to help. Often ...

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The endocrine system is responsible for hormonal functions in the body and produces thirty distinct hormones each of which has a very specific job to do. This system controls your physical growth, mood, hormone output ...

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People with ADD or ADHD generally have trouble concentrating and paying attention.  Symptoms include difficulty following directions and boredom or frustration with tasks.  Those with ADD or ADHD also tend to move constantly and can ...

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common behavioral conditions among children. In the United States alone, approximately 4.5 million children between the ages of 5-17 years old are diagnosed with ADHD ...

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Acupuncture can be used to enhance your focus and learning ability.A point often used for such treatments is Yintang, which is located between the eyebrows and sometimes referred to as "the third eye." The Chinese ...

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Creating Mental and Emotional Wellness with Acupuncture.  We must all occasionally deal with major upheavals or emotional distress at some points in our lives.  These events can trigger a host of ...

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The feeling of an obstruction in the throat (when there's not an actual physical obstruction) is called Plum Pit Qi and is associated with Qi Stagnation (Liver Qi in particular). Emotions such as sadness or ...

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When the City of Berkeley, Calif., was looking for ways to reduce aggressive panhandling by homeless people in the mid-1990s, the community got some much-needed help in the person, practice, and philosophy of Hope McDonnell. A ...

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The word meditation comes from the Greek word that means to be mindful. The practice of meditation is a proven stress reducer, and can help you tame your mind and overcome anxieties, agitation ...

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Can acupuncture treat depression and anxiety? A resounding yes. Acupuncture is indeed a powerful treatment for depression and anxiety. Before I became an acupuncturist, I worked as a psychotherapist in a community mental health ...

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Symptoms of Depression Depression is a mood disorder characterized by both physical and psychological symptoms that can be detrimental to one's normal daily functioning. Depressed individuals often suffer from poor sleeping habits, crying spells, anxiety ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: How many treatments will I need?

A: Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question.  The length, number and frequency of treatments will vary from person ... Read More