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Did you know that 5 years after graduating, 50% of acupuncturists are NOT in an active practice? For those who are in practice, the average income is less than $50,000/year. The impact of allied health ...

By: Michelle Gellis M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.
Did you know that 5 years after graduating, 50% of acupuncturists are NOT in an active practice? For those who are in practice, the average ...

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A doctorate in acupuncture and Oriental medicine has been a goal of the profession since its beginnings in the late 1970s. At that time, however, the maturity of the educational institutions and the regulatory environment ...

By: Jack Miller, President, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine
A doctorate in acupuncture and Oriental medicine has been a goal of the profession since its beginnings in the late 1970s. At that time, however ...

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The following tips from small business experts can help you put your best professional foot forward and ramp up your practice: Have a Dedicated Buisness Phone LineAre you using your personal cell phone for business?  Having ...

By: Acufinder Editorial Staff
The following tips from small business experts can help you put your best professional foot forward and ramp up your practice: Have a Dedicated Buisness Phone ...

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Acupuncture and Oriental medicine practitioners should be well-informed about medical ethics, how they are incorporated into their practice and the legalities surrounding them.  Medical ethics are a very important part of being a healer and ...

By: Acufinder Editorial Staff
Acupuncture and Oriental medicine practitioners should be well-informed about medical ethics, how they are incorporated into their practice and the legalities surrounding them.  Medical ethics ...

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For practitioners of acupuncture and Oriental medicine, documentation plays a more important role than tracing a patient's progress and assessing the effectiveness of treatment--it helps practitioners guard against potential malpractice and liability disputes. Practitioners of ...

By: Acufinder Editorial Staff
For practitioners of acupuncture and Oriental medicine, documentation plays a more important role than tracing a patient's progress and assessing the effectiveness of treatment--it helps ...

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Make your marketing dollar go farther by participating in community, regional or national health awareness days!Health awareness days are promoted on a large scale to alert the public to important health issues, and are the ...

By: Acufinder Editorial Staff
Make your marketing dollar go farther by participating in community, regional or national health awareness days!Health awareness days are promoted on a large scale to ...

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Mark your calendar! October 24th is Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day. Designated to educate and raise awareness of acupuncture and Oriental medicine this national day of observance is spearheaded by the National Certification Commission ...

Mark your calendar! October 24th is Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day. Designated to educate and raise awareness of acupuncture and Oriental medicine this national ...

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Did you know that 83 percent of adult internet users look for health information online? This is great news because it not only shows that health information is a big part of internet use, it ...

By: Acufinder Editorial Staff
Did you know that 83 percent of adult internet users look for health information online? This is great news because it not only shows that ...

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How many phone calls are you, or your reception area, successfully converting into patients? Here are five quick tips to make sure that every call is a winner: GreetingYou only get one chance at ...

By: Acufinder Editorial Staff
How many phone calls are you, or your reception area, successfully converting into patients? Here are five quick tips to make sure that every call ...

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10 Ways to Prepare for the New YearNow is the perfect time to be thinking about how to leverage your business for 2012. It's time to start thinking strategically about the year ahead.Here's a list ...

By: E-Myth Business Coach
10 Ways to Prepare for the New YearNow is the perfect time to be thinking about how to leverage your business for 2012. It's time ...

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It seems that everyone, one way or another, is feeling the effects of the recession. Many acupuncturists are noticing the repercussions on their practices of  lost jobs, decreased insurance benefits, and retirement savings pummeled by ...

By: Lisa Rohleder L.Ac.
It seems that everyone, one way or another, is feeling the effects of the recession. Many acupuncturists are noticing the repercussions on their practices of  ...

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There aren’t too many businesses tougher to make it in than rock music. There’s immense competition; you need to tour relentlessly; you must play in smelly bars in front of loud-mouthed drunks; your hours are ...

By: Andrew Chapman
There aren’t too many businesses tougher to make it in than rock music. There’s immense competition; you need to tour relentlessly; you must play in ...

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In part one of this article last month, we looked at the first three (of five) “musts” for marketing your business the rock & roll way, as well as rock bands that exemplified them:1. You ...

By: Andrew Chapman
In part one of this article last month, we looked at the first three (of five) “musts” for marketing your business the rock & roll ...

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How Happy Hour Can Grow Your Acupuncture and Herbal Practice Recently we have had an enormous amount of calls and emails from practitioners feeling the economic crunch. The main thing they want to know is ...

By: Jeffrey Grossman, L.Ac.
How Happy Hour Can Grow Your Acupuncture and Herbal Practice Recently we have had an enormous amount of calls and emails from practitioners feeling the ...

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Many acupuncturists find the prospect of building a high volume practice to be a daunting prospect.   The following 10 tips can help you be successful:1. Treat your practice like a business. Commit to working on ...

By: Kevin Doherty, L.Ac.
Many acupuncturists find the prospect of building a high volume practice to be a daunting prospect.   The following 10 tips can help you be successful:1 ...

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The Longest Walk is looking for acupuncturists along the walking route who would be willing to provide acupuncture to participants of this  incredible five month event.The Longest Walk south route is being led by American ...

The Longest Walk is looking for acupuncturists along the walking route who would be willing to provide acupuncture to participants of this  incredible five month ...

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Essence is that which is bestowed by Nature. It is rooted in the beginningless, espied in the absolute, and becomes fragmented in the temporal." -- Ancestor Lu, Qingwei sanpin jing (circa 6th century A.D.)Jing is ...

By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOM
Essence is that which is bestowed by Nature. It is rooted in the beginningless, espied in the absolute, and becomes fragmented in the temporal." -- ...

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Plato once said, “…why should we not calmly and patiently review our own thoughts, and thoroughly examine and see what these appearances in us really are?”According to Chinese medicine, there is no better time for ...

By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOM
Plato once said, “…why should we not calmly and patiently review our own thoughts, and thoroughly examine and see what these appearances in us really ...

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If your Chinese Medical School course in Business Management was anything like mine, then the main focuses were on clinic name, location and business card font. Sure, presentations and networking were mentioned, for a few ...

By: Scott R. Smith L.Ac (Dipl. OM)
If your Chinese Medical School course in Business Management was anything like mine, then the main focuses were on clinic name, location and business card ...

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Speaking is THE best way for wellness providers to attract new clients. Find out why it works so well and how best to use talks for marketing your practice.   Ever heard someone speaking and just ...

By: Jasmine Samrad 'Coach Jaz'
Speaking is THE best way for wellness providers to attract new clients. Find out why it works so well and how best to use talks ...

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Giving talks gets clients! But ONLY if you structure it the right way.  Here are the top 4 success factors for turning talks into a steady source of business.  Obviously, we can only cover a ...

By: Jasmine Samrad 'Coach Jaz'
Giving talks gets clients! But ONLY if you structure it the right way.  Here are the top 4 success factors for turning talks into a ...

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I want to start by with a heartfelt welcome to the acupuncturists who have recently joined We now stand strong as the largest and most visited acupuncture directory in the United States!Thank you to ...

By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOM
I want to start by with a heartfelt welcome to the acupuncturists who have recently joined We now stand strong as the largest and ...

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We are so proud to bring you the second issue of Acufinder the Magazine. As you know, strives to bring the acupuncture community together and provide the most relevant and useful information about acupuncture ...

By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOM
We are so proud to bring you the second issue of Acufinder the Magazine. As you know, strives to bring the acupuncture community together ...

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Having an online wellness newsletter (or "Ezine") is one of the best follow-up marketing strategies a wellness professional can implement.  At HTH we believe this simple yet effective strategy is a must-have for any helping ...

By: Jasmine Samrad 'Coach Jaz'
Having an online wellness newsletter (or "Ezine") is one of the best follow-up marketing strategies a wellness professional can implement.  At HTH we believe this ...

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Treating infertility with Chinese medicine has been recorded in our ancient texts and on the backs of turtle shells for thousands of years. Western medicine has been treating disease for a couple hundred years. Reproductive ...

By: Randine Lewis, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Treating infertility with Chinese medicine has been recorded in our ancient texts and on the backs of turtle shells for thousands of years. Western medicine ...

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Healing SpeciesTCM practitioners are joining forces with governments and wildlife organizations to stop the trade in products made from endangered species.The growing popularity of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) throughout America and the rest of the ...

By: Eleanor Webber for Acufinder Magazine
Healing SpeciesTCM practitioners are joining forces with governments and wildlife organizations to stop the trade in products made from endangered species.The growing popularity of traditional ...

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Dread it when people ask "so what do you do?"  Turn the moment into an opportunity!  Read the article below for tips on how to describe your work as a wellness methodology or program in ...

By: Jasmine Samrad 'Coach Jaz'
Dread it when people ask "so what do you do?"  Turn the moment into an opportunity!  Read the article below for tips on how to ...

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As promised in our last writing, this article will discuss how we maintain the search engine results we achieve.  First, you must look at the current results your site is achieving. To accomplish this, search ...

By: Jim Dazet & Tom Campana
As promised in our last writing, this article will discuss how we maintain the search engine results we achieve.  First, you must look at the ...

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If you are a TCM practitioner trained in North America you know that beginner TCM texts forbid treating pregnant women with blood quickeners or using “forbidden” acupuncture points. What you may not know is that ...

By: Dr. Lorne Brown, B.Sc, Dr.TCM
If you are a TCM practitioner trained in North America you know that beginner TCM texts forbid treating pregnant women with blood quickeners or using ...

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Perhaps you already have a website or you are considering a website to enhance your Acupuncture Practice Marketing?A website demands care and planning if it is to be successful.  The primary test for most acupuncturists ...

By: Jim Dazet & Tom Campana
Perhaps you already have a website or you are considering a website to enhance your Acupuncture Practice Marketing?A website demands care and planning if it ...

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Make your website design simple and inviting. Keep it SIMPLE.Generally avoid music and images that slowly phase in. Many people use dial-up, and it takes longer for the website to load for them.Write a good ...

By: Michael Edson, L.Ac
Make your website design simple and inviting. Keep it SIMPLE.Generally avoid music and images that slowly phase in. Many people use dial-up, and it takes ...

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Have you considered giving a lecture or just speaking to a group to boost your exposure?  Here are some valuable tips to consider before standing in front of the crowd.SOME BASICSKnow your purposeWhat do you ...

By: Lawrence Howard, L.Ac., MS.Ac
Have you considered giving a lecture or just speaking to a group to boost your exposure?  Here are some valuable tips to consider before standing ...

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Love your microbusinessMost acupuncturists are self-employed, sole proprietors running a microbusiness.  Not a small business, a microbusiness.  Definitions vary, but usually the legal definition of a small business is one which has under 100 employees.  ...

By: Lisa Rohleder L.Ac.
Love your microbusinessMost acupuncturists are self-employed, sole proprietors running a microbusiness.  Not a small business, a microbusiness.  Definitions vary, but usually the legal definition of ...

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For most people, the first visit to any type of practitioner can be a bit nerve racking. Imagine how it can be for patients who have a needle phobia. There's no getting around it. Needles ...

By: Jeffrey Grossman, L.Ac.
For most people, the first visit to any type of practitioner can be a bit nerve racking. Imagine how it can be for patients who ...

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Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day provides an excellent opportunity for you or your organization to garner local media coverage. Media coverage can broaden the reach of any public program. In a competitive news environment, attracting ...

By: AOM Day
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day provides an excellent opportunity for you or your organization to garner local media coverage. Media coverage can broaden the reach ...

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Business skills are the other half of what is needed to create a fulfilling and prosperous OBT practice (the first half is practical/theoretical skill). This is the first in a series of offerings about the ...

By: Michael Gaeta, LAc, LCN
Business skills are the other half of what is needed to create a fulfilling and prosperous OBT practice (the first half is practical/theoretical skill). This ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: Can acupuncture help with Sleep Apnea?

A: Using acupuncture for sleep apnea can over time correct whatever imbalances are causing sleep apnea, minus any side effects. Apart from impr... Read More