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Submit an Article to actively welcomes article contributions as well as book excerpts (formatted as "stand-alone" articles) from professionals in the Oriental Medicine Community. 

Article Guidelines
Article content should be concerning acupuncture and Oriental medicine, positive, inspirational, and within the general content of  Our website is directed towards the general public.  So please write the article in "laymen" terms.

The intent must be to inform, educate, inspire, and enlighten the reader (not to push a product, or person, or website, etc.). Though of course the article will benefit sales and promotion of your product or service, the article must not read like an advertisement.

Length of Article

As for length or number of words, we prefer you write what you feel needs to be shared, from your own intuition and desire, rather than us impose a restriction. If the article is very long, we may run it in segments, or break it up into several articles. Our focus in on content, so we are more interested in you saying what you feel needs to be said, rather than trying to squeeze a condensed version into a small space. On occasion, we do excerpt from an article (use only part of it) if we feel that is more appropriate. We do request that articles be at least 500 words as we don't want to just have a synopsis of an article, but something with some "content" to it.

Your Bio and Website information

The "About the Author" section below the article will list whatever bio and contact info you want to share with our readers.  There will also be a link to your website at the end of the article.  This section is your "payment" for the article, thus you can include in there promotional information about yourself, books you have written, workshops you present, etc. (though it also should not read like an ad, but simply make the information accessible to the reader).

Articles stay online "forever" and are submitted to major search engines and online directories. Once the article is online; feel free to link it to your own website.

Reprints or Book Excerpts

Reprints of your article from other sources can be an acceptable submission (please identify where previously published) as are Book Excerpts. Please make sure you have retained the copyright on the submission and give us permission to reprint the article.

We will notify you by email if your submission is accepted and when it will be online. (This could take several months, so please do not expect to hear from us immediately.)

Editorial Guidelines:

  • References should be given wherever possible for quotations, specific information referred to in the text, statistics etc. References should include author/s, title of book (or if a Journal then title, date, volume/issue number), publisher, page number.
  • Chinese texts should be referred to by Pinyin name and common English translation e.g. Su Wen (Plain Questions).
  • Acupuncture points should be referred to using pinyin name and point number, e.g. Zusanli ST-36. Use the following prefixes for point numbers:
  • Herb names should start with the Pinyin followed by the pharmaceutical name, e.g. Huang Qi (Radix Astragali), MaiMen Dong (Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici) etc.
  • Herbal prescriptions should give the pinyin name first followed by the English name e.g. Wu Ling San (Five Ingredient Powder with Poria).

Submit an Article

You can submit an article to be featured on using the following methods:

Articles should be mailed as email attachments (Microsoft Word) to: [email protected] or presented on disk (PC format) and mailed to

MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands
ATTN: Article Submission
909 North Sepulveda Boulevard, 11th Floor
El Segundo, CA 90245

NOTE:  Please note that we cannot guarantee to accept any article for publication until we have had a chance to see the finished article. All accepted articles are subjected to an editorial process. This involves us responding to you with any queries, comments, suggested changes etc.

Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?

A: Acupuncture treatments can be helpful throughout a pregnancy. Acupuncture can calm morning sickness, treat insomnia, edema, sciatica and m... Read More