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The defining characteristic of fibromyalgia is pain. 'Fibro' is Latin for fibrous tissue, 'my' means muscles, and 'algia' is the word for pain. Therefore, it is essential that treatment consists of effective palliative measures. Diet ...

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Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease primarily known for causing extensive musculoskeletal pain that is debilitating and quality-of-life reducing. The disorder can be likened to arthritis, except that it affects soft tissue as well as the ...

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Although it might sound counter-intuitive, evidence shows that fibromyalgia patients can actually use low to moderate impact exercises like stretching and strength-training to reduce crippling pain, extreme fatigue, mood swings, and brain fog—all hallmark symptoms ...

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A study entitled, "Fibromyalgia syndrome treated with acupuncture at the acupoints of the affected meridians and heavy moxibustion at painful points: a randomized, controlled trial," yielded some surprising, positive results. The article appeared in the ...

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Acupuncture has been receiving increasing attention in the media over recent years. Once shunned as an Eastern fantasy, the practice has finally earned its place in mainstream medicine, and more and more patients are turning ...

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Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder comprised of many different symptoms. While the hallmark symptom is unrelenting, widespread body pain, especially affecting the muscles and soft tissues, there is an extensive list of potential physical, mental ...

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The National Fibromyalgia Association recommends a balanced diet containing nutrient dense foods free of artificial additives and sweeteners to help your body fight fibromyalgia syndrome.  Some key nutrients to include are:B-ComplexFound in whole grains, beans ...

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) affects an estimated 2 percent of the population. Conventional therapies are limited in the success of treating this complex and unexplained condition. Current treatment is largely comprised of prescribing different medications for ...

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The June 2007 edition of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings reports on a study that found acupuncture helpful in treating the fatigue and anxiety commonly experienced by fibromyalgia patients.  The study lends credence to patients' belief ...

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It is estimated that between three and six million Americans have fibromyalgia. You can help cut your risk significantly by incorporating a few simple life-style changes into your daily routines and habits. And there's no ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I have Morton's Neuroma on my left foot. Can acupuncture help this painful condition or do I need to have surgery?

A: A neuroma is a swelling or scarring of a small nerve between your toes. When your body mechanics are not aligned, the space between your m... Read More