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A study entitled, "Fibromyalgia syndrome treated with acupuncture at the acupoints of the affected meridians and heavy moxibustion at painful points: a randomized, controlled trial," yielded some surprising, positive results. The article appeared in the ...

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The right nutrients can make a significant difference for athletes when it comes to dealing with pain from sports injuries. Luckily, food and supplements possess antioxidant properties and combat inflammation.Although the process causing inflammation is ...

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These simple and effective methods of acupressure can be safely used to alleviate chronic pain.  As always, when engaging in self-acupressure, find a comfortable position before beginning. Take a minute or two for focused deep ...

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Over one million Americans live with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), a frustrating, complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that may worsen with physical or mental activity and does not improve with rest.    Those affected can ...

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One hundred million Americans are experiencing chronic pain, and of those, 25 million have chronic pain syndrome.  While pain is a perfectly normal reaction to certain events, when persists for over 12 weeks and additional ...

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The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) declared acupuncture as one of the nonpharmacologic therapies recommended for the treatment of pain. This information comes out of their document entitled, "FDA Education Blueprint for Health Care Providers Involved ...

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Acupuncture has been receiving increasing attention in the media over recent years. Once shunned as an Eastern fantasy, the practice has finally earned its place in mainstream medicine, and more and more patients are turning ...

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Acupuncture can be an effective treatment for pain caused by systemic erythematosus lupus (SLE). These positive results were shown in the 2008 study 'Acupuncture for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A pilot study RCT feasibility and safety ...

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Tendonitis is a painful condition resulting from inflammation of the tendons. Tendons are thick bands of strong fibrous tissue that link bone to muscle. Although they are designed to withstand extreme pressure, certain circumstances will ...

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Medial tibial stress syndrome, commonly referred to as shin splints, can be a painful and bothersome condition, but is usually temporary and not a serious medical problem. The major symptom is pain along the shin ...

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Have you ever experienced numbness, pain, or any other unpleasant sensations in your hands or arms that forced you to slow down or take a break from what you were doing? If so, you may ...

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Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common disorders affecting the heel and underside (also known as plantar side) of the foot. The thick connective tissue running from the heel to the toes, called plantar ...

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True to its name, complex regional pain syndrome is an extremely painful and complicated medical condition that most commonly affects the arms, legs, hands and/or feet. Its complex, diverse set of symptoms varies widely from ...

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Acupuncture is well known for its effectiveness in reducing most types of pain, including pain from sports-related injuries due to trauma or overuse syndromes involving the musculoskeletal system and its soft tissues.  Trauma to these ...

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Acupuncture is very beneficial when it comes to pre and post-surgery. No matter what the surgery is, the body perceives this as truama to the body. In turn, this trauma takes its toll on the ...

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Dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation occurs before, during, and after a woman's menstruation.  The cramping can occurs mainly in the lower abdomen, but can also be experienced in the lower back and even down the legs.  ...

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Acupuncture Effective for TMJ Patients suffering TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) can find relief from acupuncture.  Research conducted at the Ribeirão Preto Dental School, São Paulo University in Brazil, found that after 3 months of acupuncture ...

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) affects an estimated 2 percent of the population. Conventional therapies are limited in the success of treating this complex and unexplained condition. Current treatment is largely comprised of prescribing different medications for ...

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Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common job-related injuries and is responsible for the highest number of days lost among all work related injuries. It is the reason for over two million ...

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Low back pain is an extremely common concern, affecting anywhere from 75 to 90 percent of people at some point in their lives. Low back pain is second only to the common cold as a ...

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The sciatic nerve can literally be a huge pain in the butt.  It is the largest nerve in the body, which consists of a large bundle of smaller nerves that begin in the lumbar spine ...

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Acupuncture is very effective at relieving the pain associated with neurological conditions and restoring normal function. Neurological pain is one of the most difficult kinds of pain for people to tolerate. Nerve pain usually presents ...

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Acupuncture excels in the treatment of sports, work, auto accident rehabilitation, and post operative pain.  Injury & Post Operative PainIf you have suffered an injury, want to avoid surgery, or would like to speed your ...

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The June 2007 edition of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings reports on a study that found acupuncture helpful in treating the fatigue and anxiety commonly experienced by fibromyalgia patients.  The study lends credence to patients' belief ...

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A British study published in September 2006 found that acupuncture showed the greatest benefit for patients who suffer pain in the lower back, and is a cost-effective way to treat the problem. Lower back pain ...

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A Norwegian research study has found that people with osteoarthritic knee pain may experience relief through electroacupuncture, low-level laser therapy, or electrical nerve stimulation.Dr. Jan M. Bjordal and his team at Bergen University College analyzed ...

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A Norwegian study published in the June 2004 issue of Pain found that people who received acupuncture reported less pain three years later than people with similar pain who received a dummy treatment. Researchers at ...

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A 2005 Swedish research study found that acupuncture, along with strengthening exercises, help relieve pain in the pelvic girdle for pregnant women and are effective treatment options. There is currently no cure for pregnancy-related pelvic ...

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Film star Gwyneth Paltrow caused quite a stir when she showed up at New York film premiere with round marks on her back from an acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment. The photo was ...

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Back pain is one of the most prevalent reasons people seek health care. Millions of working days and countless hours of activity and fun are lost each year due to back pain. Common Causes of ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and am wondering if acupuncture can help me with my symptoms?

A: Yes. Acupuncture is beneficial for CFS.CFS surfaced in the United States in the late 1980s and is a baffling human ailment. People may exper... Read More