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Manic Behavior - Finding Balance in Joy

By: Andrew Pacholyk MS, L.Ac.


Finding joy in things we do can give great pleasure, satisfaction and the ability to appreciate all that we are given in life! The greatness of finding JOY in anything we do is an art, which encompasses other feelings of appreciation, happiness and self contentment. These wonderful emotions have a balancing counterpart and are found with every emotion we feel. On one end of the spectrum is Joy, on the other sadness. On one end of the spectrum there is anger, on the other there is pensiveness. This balancing act we experience all the time.

From a Western Science point of view, emotions arise from complex chemical reactions deep inside our brain. We actually have different classes of emotions that arise from different brain areas. We have ancient, primitive emotions that we share with all animals that have brains. These emotions are very powerful and drive what we think of as instinctual behavior.

Traditional Chinese Medical Theory recognizes control of our body by Five Elements: Earth, Wood, Fire, Water and Metal. Each of the Five Elements is associated with a particular organ. The Ancients related a variety of different characteristics with each element and therefore with each organ. Traditional Chinese Medical practitioners use such characteristics to help diagnose patients and to understand the etiology of the symptoms. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, joy is most prevelant in the Summer. It is considered the emotion of Summer. Although we can and do experience joy at any time or season, it is Summer when this emotion is most in excess. This is believed to be due to the changes of light and great heat which vary the balance within us.
For example:
Joy (Over-excitement or Manic behavior)
Affects the Heart and Fire Element
Slows the flow of Qi
then Fear controls Joy (Water controls Fire)

Common signs and symptoms include:
Unclear Thinking
Mania, Disturbed Shen (possibly manic, risk-taking)
Heart Attack

An example of this is:
Migraine headache caused by sudden joy from receiving good news.

Finding Balance in Joy

Joy, as the energy of love, is one of the highest vibrations on this planet. According to the Universal Law of Attraction, as we think and feel we vibrate. And as we vibrate, we attract. When we vibrate with joy and love, we attract what is for our greater good.

Bring the joy, love and happiness that's already inside you to life! Sages tell us that joy is realized when the personality and soul are in harmony. Experience ways to go beyond conditional happiness to the blissful state of joy and love. As you resonate with joy, love and happiness you automatically draw to you a more meaningful, healthy, loving life.

The experience of joy can:

  • strengthen your immune system.
  • regenerate your whole physical system.
  • burn away the impurities in your emotional system.
  • disperse worries, anxieties, grief, greed, irritation and other negative emotions.
  • sharpen your intellect and strengthen your memory.
  • clarify and balance your mind.
  • expand your consciousness and understanding.
  • open you to receive higher impressions, inspirations, and transforming energies.

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About the Author:

Andrew Pacholyk, L.Ac., specializes in rejuvenating naturopathic therapies based in the ancient Chinese Medical approach to Endocrinology, Gynecology and Pain Management that encompass the increase of metabolism through hormonal balance, infertility, menopause and menstrual disorders, as well as increasing blood flow and vital energy in order to decrease pain, trauma and its associated symptoms. Andrew, through his New York City clinic, ProAcuMed, his many classes, private teachings, cross country lectures, health community and his website, has helped thousands of thoughtful people with his diagnostics and natural prescriptives.


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