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Nutrition & Weight Loss

The defining characteristic of fibromyalgia is pain. 'Fibro' is Latin for fibrous tissue, 'my' means muscles, and 'algia' is the word for pain. Therefore, it is essential that treatment consists of effective palliative measures. Diet ...

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There are basic digestive issues that respond well to what is colloquially referred to as 'kitchen medicine.' This basically means you can find delicious and nutritious ways to treat bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and more ...

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The right nutrients can make a significant difference for athletes when it comes to dealing with pain from sports injuries. Luckily, food and supplements possess antioxidant properties and combat inflammation.Although the process causing inflammation is ...

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Difficulty breathing, wheezing, mucus build-up in the lungs, tightness in the chest, fatigue, blue nail beds, and chronic coughing are common signs that your respiratory system is struggling to function. Give your lungs a helping ...

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Antioxidants are a special group of substances that are found in foods or produced in your body. They help defend your cells from free radicals that seek to destroy them. Without antioxidants to act as ...

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The ear contains acupuncture points that, when tapped into, can help you lose weight. This is because the outer ear is a microcosm representing organs--including the spleen, stomach, and mouth--that are responsible for appetite, satiation ...

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The 2018 study called "Randomized controlled trial testing weight loss and abdominal obesity outcomes of moxibustion" revealed acupuncture and Oriental medicine contributes to the reduction of waistlines and hips.Published in Biomedical Engineering Online, the trial ...

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Whether trying to lose, gain or maintain your current weight finding the motivation to start or stick with a change in eating habits can seem overwhelming. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine are powerful tools for achieving ...

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Trying to gain, lose or maintain your current weight can be challenging.  Self-acupressure allows you to directly assist your digestive organs and provide a respite from unhealthy cravings.By pressing on certain areas of the body ...

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Men have different nutritional requirements than women, due to their unique physiology. Here are five key nutrients for men’s health to keep in mind when meal planning.MagnesiumMagnesium plays a key role in many important bodily ...

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One important way we can help ensure a restful night is by making wise decisions during the day when it comes to our diet. Eating foods and drinking teas with nutrients beneficial to our sleep ...

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When it comes to lifestyle changes, a diet rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, and iodine helps support thyroid function.Here are three groups of foods to include in your diet: Sea Vegetables/SeaweedIodine is an essential element ...

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Yum...The first satisfying bite of a lovely piece of chocolate cake! There's nothing wrong with enjoying a nice dessert and delighting in the sweetness of it. However, when one piece leads to eating more than ...

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Hepatitis B is a major liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). This liver disease is divided into two categories: acute and chronic. An acute infection lasts for less than six months, and ...

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According to acupuncture and Oriental medicine, emotions originate internally from different organs inside the body. Conditions and events in the external world may provoke specific reactions but, ultimately, each person is responsible for the emotion ...

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What does it mean to listen to your body, as the expression goes? What if your body is telling you to eat chocolate bars for breakfast, or that a few martinis make for an acceptable ...

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While a sweet taste delights our taste buds, overindulgence can cause or worsen digestive problems and upset our metabolic and emotional balance. According to acupuncture and Oriental medicine, when one or more of the organs ...

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The nutritional evaluation of food and herbs differs between Western medicine and acupuncture and Oriental medicine. These traditions developed separately from each other and from very different ideologies. The foundation for Western medicine rests upon ...

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Looking to support your health and also boost your brain function? You can achieve both of these goals through nutrition. According to Oriental medicine (OM), good nutrition can improve mental activity, physical and emotional strength ...

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A healthy musculoskeletal system is important for everyone as the system is continuously tested by stress and exercise.  Incorporate these nutrients into your diet to improve your musculoskeletal health.   Vitamin C: Essential for the ...

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Adding nutrient-rich super foods to the diet can give men a healthy boost. Here are just a few foods that can help maintain muscle mass, prevent prostate cancer, and more. Avocados  Avocados are a good ...

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In Oriental medicine the root of excess weight is an imbalance within the body caused by malfunctioning of the spleen and liver organ systems.  Acupuncture points, as well as foods and herbs selected to assist ...

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Ear massage is an extremely relaxing and effective therapy aimed at decreasing cravings, reducing stress, promoting well being and addressing various health issues.   Ear acupuncture is used throughout the world to reduce food cravings, assist ...

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Is there a body/mind connection to will power? According to the principles of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine there is. Will power, or "Zhi," is said to reside in the kidneys and the state of the ...

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When functioning properly, the thyroid gland secretes just the right amount of thyroid hormone to regulate almost all the metabolic processes in your body. Too much or too little of these vital body chemicals and ...

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I am going to tell you a secret. All diets will work if they lower your caloric intake and you STICK TO IT! It™s pure physics: Our weight is determined by the amount of energy ...

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The Nei Jing Classic of Internal Medicine, compiled over 2000 years ago, may contain the first known Chinese writings of the dynamic relationship between health and the energies of foods, or Chinese dietary therapy. The ...

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Qi gong is mainly associated with flowing movements, breathing exercise, and stretching, but what most people don™t realize is Qi gong™s therapeutic applications to naturally and permanently lose weight. An estimated two-thirds of Americans are ...

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For most cultures across the globe, there are beauty constants such as clear skin, bright eyes, and shiny hair. Like calmness and strength, these outward features are universally attractive. While we work towards these qualities ...

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For Delia, it was the pain of a severe auto accident and abdominal surgery that brought her to acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).  I decided to turn to the clinic because of their integrative ...

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Who among us doesn™t want to live a long life? The desire to survive is built into us. As animals, we react instinctively to protect ourselves in the face of danger. As organisms our bodies ...

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In China, the pomegranate fruit symbolized longevity. Now there is scientific evidence for the fruit's restorative powers.Scientists have tested the juice in mice and found that it combats hardening of the arteries (atherogenesis) and related ...

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Get a fasting lipoprotein profile to find out what your total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride numbers are. Calculate your risk for heart disease using the ATP III assessment tool. Discuss your risk ...

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Whether you turn to acupuncture or allopathic medicine for healing, choosing the right foods for your constitution will speed your progress. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), health is a state of balance in which ...

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Living to be 100 is not the product of an expensive supplement, brutal daily regimen, plastic surgery or anything out of the average person™s reach.  A few simple changes in the most basic areas of ...

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How to Lose the Weight and Keep It Off with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.  Weight loss comes under the topic of "Weight Control", because we are concerned with the loss and MAINTENANCE of loss ...

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In ancient China, disease was thought to be the result of ghosts or demons invading the body. Mental or physical illness was the manifestation of another being actually inhabiting one™s physical structure. The return to ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: Are there risks or side effects to acupuncture?

A: Usually not. Acupuncture is a very safe method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and improve function. Done properly, acup... Read More