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Is there a body/mind connection to will power?

According to the principles of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine there is. Will power, or "Zhi," is said to reside in the kidneys and the state of the Kidney Qi directly correlates to the fortitude of our will power.

In Oriental medicine, disease prevention begins with a protective layer around the exterior of the body called wei qi, or defensive energy. If you catch colds easily, have low energy and require a long time recuperating from an illness, your wei qi may be deficient.

“The Kidneys determine our will power,” writes Giovanni Maciocia, the author of The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. “If the Kidneys are strong, the will power will be strong, the mind will be focused on goals that it sets itself and it will pursue them in a single-minded way. Conversely, if the Kidneys are weak, will power will be lacking and the mind will be easily discouraged and swayed from its aims.”

Nourishing Qi can help greatly enhance the body's ability to thrive in times of stress, aid in healing, prevent illness and increase vitality. According to Oriental medicine, recharging your battery and regeneration of vital energy, Qi, will help you live, look and feel your best!

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Q: Can acupuncture help with hyperhidrosis?

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