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Self Acupressure for Weight Management

By: Vanessa Vogel Batt L.Ac. MSOM

Trying to gain, lose or maintain your current weight can be challenging.  Self-acupressure allows you to directly assist your digestive organs and provide a respite from unhealthy cravings.

By pressing on certain areas of the body, Qi is activated and blood flows more freely. Your internal organs will feel invigorated and be able to perform at optimum levels.

Before starting a session of self-acupressure, always be seated and in a calm state of mind. Tension only impedes the technique.

Activate Your Lungs

It may be surprising to learn that the lungs are responsible for excreting the vast majority of fat from the body--up to 84%!  This fact more than presses the point on how important exercise is. The more you breathe out, the more fat you release.

To activate lung power and really get your Qi flowing throughout your entire body, look down at your chest. On the same level as the nipples, in the middle of the chest, is a wonderful point called Chest Center. Apply moderate pressure here to stimulate the area.

If you're feeling like you need a more vigorous shake-up of your energy, try beating your chest like King Kong. The area you want to hit is higher than Chest Center. Aim for the breastplate in the center and a little off to the sides. You can even let out a sustained low noise as you do this for a little extra mileage.

Release Your Stress

Stress can cause nausea, a lack of appetite or impulse eating.   When you're feeling stressed try giving yourself a hug by reaching your hands as far as you can and grasp onto your shoulder blades, if possible.

Another way to release tension or pent-up aggression is to place your hands on the muscles between the tops of your shoulders and your neck. Right hand on the right shoulder, and left hand on the left shoulder. Massage by pressing your fingers firmly into the muscles. Try tipping your head forward, side to side, and then backward as you do this.

Give Your Digestion a Boost

To give your internal organs a massage, stimulate the acupressure points surrounding your belly button.

On either side of your belly button, about 1-2 inches away, are points that assist your Large Intestine. Simply press and make small circular movements. Do this for a couple of minutes.

If you line up eight fingers directly above the belly button, there is a point directly above the stomach that stimulates it. Be careful not to apply pressure here after a big meal.

Gently massage this area with the pads of three fingers. Use both hands if you'd like, just switch from a clockwise to a counter-clockwise direction.  You might even hear some soft gurgling noises during this process.

Contact an acupuncturist to schedule an appointment or learn more about acupuncture and Oriental medicine.

About the Author: Vanessa Vogel Batt, L.Ac., MSTOM, studied at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, and practiced acupuncture and Oriental medicine in New York for several years. Vanessa enjoys traveling the world, and has published articles on acupuncture and Oriental medicine and related health topics for websites and publications in both the U.S. and abroad.

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