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My biggest problem is that I don't have any will power. How does Chinese medicine view will power and can acupuncture help?

My biggest problem is that I don't have any will power. How does Chinese medicine view will power and can acupuncture help?

The Will Power Connection:

Is there a body/mind connection to will power? According to the principles of Oriental medicine, there is. Will power or “Zhi” is said to reside in the Kidneys and the state of the Kidney Qi directly correlates to the fortitude of our will power.

“The Kidneys determine our will power,” writes Giovanni Maciocia, the author of The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. “If the Kidneys are strong, the will power will be strong, the mind will be focused on goals that it sets itself and it will pursue them in a single-minded way. Conversely, if the Kidneys are weak, will power will be lacking and the mind will be easily discouraged and swayed from its aims.”

There are numerous exercises, food, supplements and acupuncture points that can be used to strengthen the Kidneys and build up Kidney Qi.  A consultation with an acupuncturist will be a great way to learn waht your options are.  Also, try incorporating some Dan Tien breathing into your daily routine.

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Q: I have been suffering from tension headaches for twenty years. I am tired of relying on medication. Also, my wife gets terrible migraines. Can acupuncture help?

A: Yes. It is well documented that acupuncture is a source of pain relief. Nearly 20% of Americans get headaches, which can be episodic or chro... Read More