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Women's Health Issues

Acupuncture can help you ease into menopause and reduce many of the uncomfortable symptoms women often experience around the ages of 45 to 55. If you are hoping to avoid hormone replacement therapy, get started ...

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The ear contains acupuncture points that, when tapped into, can help you lose weight. This is because the outer ear is a microcosm representing organs--including the spleen, stomach, and mouth--that are responsible for appetite, satiation ...

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A 2017 study confirmed that women can self-apply acupressure to mitigate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Acupressure is an Oriental Medicine therapy that uses manual manipulation to specific areas of the body. Researchers set out ...

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Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine offers unique benefits for women. From the beginning, this ancient medicine recognized two principal forces which power our lives and control our body's ability to heal itself. Introducing yin and yang—Yin ...

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Osteoporosis is a condition that causes brittle or porous bones due to a reduction in the bone mineral density. Bone is comprised of living tissue, which is constantly dying and renewing itself. Normally, old bone ...

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While there is no stopping a woman's body from undergoing menopause, there are easy exercises that may help to reduce emotional and physical discomfort during this transition. Some common symptoms of menopause relate directly to ...

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A common disorder affecting 10 to 20 percent of adults at some point in their lives, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) was once called "spastic colon" and is the end result of nervous interference with the ...

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A group of disorders in which the immune system attacks the body and destroys or alters tissues, there are more than 80 serious chronic illnesses in the category of autoimmune disorders including lupus, multiple sclerosis ...

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Everyone wants to be healthy in order to enjoy a sense of well-being and have the best quality of life possible. Oriental medicine has always addressed the special needs of women throughout their lives. Women ...

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Depression refers to severe and long-lasting 'down' times that impair regular activities. Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, including socioeconomic constraints, but a family history of depression and severe stress can increase ...

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Everyone suffers from irritability and moodiness from time to time, but if you find that a short temper and frustration are becoming a constant issue for you, then acupuncture may be able to help. Often ...

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Dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation occurs before, during, and after a woman's menstruation.  The cramping can occurs mainly in the lower abdomen, but can also be experienced in the lower back and even down the legs.  ...

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The biggest threats to women's health are often preventable. Oriental medicine has always addressed the special needs of women throughout their lives and many health issues women face respond extremely well to acupuncture treatments. Taking ...

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When a woman goes to see a Chinese medicine practitioner, a frequently asked question is about the menstrual situation. The menstrual situation tells Chinese medicine practitioners about the general health and condition of the woman.  ...

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Acupuncture and Menopause: Creating Physical and Emotional Health with Acupuncture    With its close understanding of the female body, Oriental medicine has always addressed the special needs of women throughout their lives. Menopause, in particular, is ...

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Gynecological conditions, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), fibroids, endometriosis, menopause and infertility are some of the problems treated most successfully by acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Oriental medicine has long recognized that health and vitality can be ...

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Statistics show that one in five couples over the age of 30 have difficulty conceiving after one year of trying. Many of these couples turn to acupuncture and Oriental medicine for a safe, effective and ...

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, has also been known by the name Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, and includes a multi system presentation, having its effects on the skin, hair, body weight, endocrine system, and reproductive system. It ...

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Acupuncture reduces nighttime hot flashes caused by menopause, according to a study published in the journal, Fertility and Sterility. Researchers found seven weeks of acupuncture treatment reduced the severity of nighttime hot flashes by 28 ...

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There have been some intriguing studies indicating that green tea can be extremely effective in the fight against high cholesterol. Specifically, the beverage reduces bad cholesterol and boosts good cholesterol, improving an individuals overall cholesterol ...

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In China, the pomegranate fruit symbolized longevity. Now there is scientific evidence for the fruit's restorative powers.Scientists have tested the juice in mice and found that it combats hardening of the arteries (atherogenesis) and related ...

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Get a fasting lipoprotein profile to find out what your total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride numbers are. Calculate your risk for heart disease using the ATP III assessment tool. Discuss your risk ...

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Menopause: Outlooks, Approaches, Alternatives Menopause is defined as the cessation of menstruation for six to twelve months in older women.  That, alone, would not be so terrible if it was not accompanied by anxiety, insomnia ...

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Can acupuncture offer a natural fertility aid to couples struggling to get pregnant?  Just ask the McSheffertys.Remember that expression, "Only your hairdresser knows for sure?" For Sean and Valerie McShefferty, what Valerie’s hairdresser knew provided ...

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According to a Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center survey, more than 70 percent of cancer patients including women diagnosed with breast cancer decide to enhance their conventional medical treatment with some form of complementary care ...

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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, organs represent much more than solely their physical units.  They refer to energetic systems where each has a correlated acupuncture channel, sensory organ, bodily tissue, emotion and set of functions. The ...

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Yes. In fact, gynecological conditions are some of the most successfully treated problems by acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  Premenstrual Syndrome covers a broad spectrum of symptoms before a period. Symptoms may be emotional ...

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Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health with Acupuncture.With the right diet, attitude, and Oriental Medicine menopause can be a time of a revival of energy and an opportunity for personal growth--one that ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: How does Chinese Medicine treat athma?

A: DEFINITION: In Chinese medicine, asthma is called "xiao chuan", which means wheezing and dyspnea, respectively. Chinese medicine classifies ... Read More