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Children's Health

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common behavioral conditions among children. In the United States alone, approximately 4.5 million children between the ages of 5-17 years old are diagnosed with ADHD ...

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Asthma is a growing problem among American children.  For most kids, this usually means a lifetime of asthma control drugs and possibly an inhaler. But it doesn™t have to be that way.Fortunately, holistic medical care ...

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Colic is a word that can strike fear into the hearts of parents everywhere. But it needn™t be so. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine has a healthful approach to preventing and treating colic that parents ...

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Childhood Allergies: Treatment Without Trouble. Allergies afflict millions of children nationwide. Traditional Chinese medicine offers a healthy way of getting rid of allergic reactions without resorting to expensive medicines or regular injections. For children who ...

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Shonishin pediatric acupuncture (sho=little, ni=children, shin=needle) is a specialized form of treatment for infants and children that became renowned in the 1700s in the Osaka region of Japan. To this day, Japanese parents regularly bring ...

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Treating a child with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapies presents its own challenges and rewards. As Oriental medicine specialist Mitch Lehman points out, among the latter is the deep satisfaction of bringing families together to ...

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Tongue Acupuncture and Autism by Professor Virginia Wong   There is an ancient Chinese belief:One tonifies a disease with similar remedies e.g. kidney of a pig for a kidney problem; and the brain of a ...

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I am often asked by my patients about immunizations. Should I or shouldn't I? This is a very difficult question. There are negatives and positives to both answers. It is not my place to tell ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: Are there risks or side effects to acupuncture?

A: Usually not. Acupuncture is a very safe method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and improve function. Done properly, acup... Read More