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Joseph Alban M.S., L.Ac for Acufinder Magazine

The sciatic nerve can literally be a huge pain in the butt.  It is the largest nerve in the body, which consists of a large bundle of smaller nerves that begin in the lumbar spine ...

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Many people come to acupuncture for acne after trying everything else under the sun. Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practiced for thousands of years helping people with skin conditions through acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine ...

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Q: Can Acupuncture Treat Skin Conditions?A: For thousands of years, traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners (Chinese physicians) have used acupuncture and herbs to treat a wide variety of common skin ailments. That same wisdom can ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: How does acupuncture work?

A:  Eastern Explanation: The Eastern Explanation for how Acupunctures works is that the life energy flowing through the body which is ter... Read More