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Carol Morton, L.Ac., LCSW

Carol Morton, L.Ac., L.C.S.W. has worked in the field of mind-body healing for the past 25 years. Originally coming from the discipline and physical artistry of the professional ballet world, in which she performed with the Los Angeles Ballet Company and Loring Dance Players, she moved on to obtain a master's degree in clinical social work as U.C.L.A. and a full practice in the South Bay as a therapist helping many people with emotional and mental problems.

While continuing to hone her skills over many years of experience as a psychotherapist, Carol became increasingly aware of how intricately and powerfully the mind and body are linked. Her focus became one of finding ways to enlist the whole person in the healing process thus facilitating a more rapid and complete recovery. She began to practice and eventually became certified to teach White Lotus Style Yoga and strove to integrate this into her healing practice.

She eventually was drawn to study Traditional Chinese Medicine at Yo San University. During her 5 years of study there she became immersed in the Taoist arts of healing alongside conventional Western biomedicine. She embraced the expansion of her healing tools to include this ancient art of bio-energetics and became more committed to healing on a holistic level.

Carol is an expert at helping people release blocked energy and reconnect with their core selves. It is her philosophy that lasting healing involves participation of the while person. She has successfully treated a wide variety of health problems and guided many people compassionately through their healing journey. Her specialties include the treatment of all types of pain, orthopedics, stress and anxiety, emotional and psychological disorders and women's health.

Can acupuncture treat depression and anxiety? A resounding “yes.” Acupuncture is indeed a powerful treatment for depression and anxiety. Before I became an acupuncturist, I worked as a psychotherapist in a community mental health ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: Can acupuncture enhance a woman's sexual desire and pleasure?

A: Acupuncture and Chinese herbs have been used to strengthen and promote optimal sexual health for centuries. Chinese Emperors took their se... Read More