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Did you know that 83 percent of adult internet users look for health information online?

This is great news because it not only shows that health information is a big part of internet use, it also shows how important it is to make your business stand out in a very competitive market. There are a lot of health options out there and prospective clients won't usually take the time to discover how you can help them or the best way to reach you.

Acufinder provides resources to help you communicate the benefits of acupuncture and provide access for potential clients to find you.

Here are six tips to help engage prospective patients:

1. Include an Image

A professional photo or clinic logo can go a long way in introducing you to prospective clients and made a good first impression that you may not otherwise have.

2. Lay the Groundwork

Before a potential client will call, they have to recognize a need. Make sure your profile makes a compelling statement about why acupuncture should be part of their wellness plan.

Be sure to complete the biographical section of your listing. A good bio should include a brief summary introducing yourself, what your qualifications are, what you can do to help prospective clients and a call to action.

3. Be Professional

Prospective clients want to know that they can rely on you to be a conscientious health care provider and that the services you offer will be delivered in a confident professional manner.

4. Include a Call to Action

Make sure you include clear direction for the client to contact you. Be direct or you will lose their attention. Give visitors to your page a nudge by inviting them to "call today for a consultation" or award a discount or freebie if they follow through.

5. Promote Your Practice

Share your profile and newsletter sign up page through social media and future marketing campaigns. Include your newsletter sign up page link to your Acufinder profile and add a newsletter sign up form to your website.

6. Make Every Call Count

Once you have received an inquiry from a prospective client, strive to convert them into a patient. If you don't offer a particular service they are asking about, consider it an opportunity to educate them.

Don't forget to ask them when they would like to schedule an appointment or if they would like to receive more information about acupuncture, upcoming events or promotions.

This is a great opportunity to send an invitation to your newsletter, social media and future marketing campaigns. If you don't ask, you may lose your one and only chance to bring in new business.

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I am 64 years old. I have had non-insulin-dependent (type II) diabetes mellitus for 10 years and have controlled it with medication during that time. Can acupuncture help keep my blood sugar levels in a realistic range?

A: Yes. An estimated 5.5 million Americans are being treated for diabetes mellitus, one of the world's oldest known diseasesOften diet and exer... Read More