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Are you considering a Web Presence to be an ingredient to marketing your practice?

By: Jim Dazet & Tom Campana

Today's public demands good solid information on their health care choices. Not using the Internet as an educational tool is as unthinkable as not using a telephone in your office.  We have outlined a few guidelines to assist you in your choice for a web presence.

Website Basics

  • Own your URL - When deciding on your URL (website name) be certain that you are the registered owner of that name! You DO NOT want to be held hostage by a company providing unsatisfactory service simply because they have registered your URL in their name. This DOES happen.
  • Choose the right URL - Ideally, you may want to reference your location in your URL: i.e. or However, this is not always possible so you should have your city and state listed on your home page as well as part of the Page Title and the Page Header. I have noticed beautiful websites with absolutely no reference to the location of the practitioner's office. Having ANY results from a search engine without your location easily found is a challenge I would not want to encounter.
  • Keep it simple - Your patients, friends and family will be the first to look for and critique your new website. You will want to keep the title concise and easy to spell.
  • Make changes yourself - How easy or difficult will it be to make changes to your site? Can changes be made by you or must you use the hosting company? What costs are involved in adding new and relevant information?  Does your site have a user control panel that is easy for YOU to navigate?
  • Links! - And finally, -- How important is it to have LINKS? -- Many webmasters are now learning that popularity is still important. Link Popularity, that is. Led by Google, many search engines include your link popularity score in the algorithms they use to determine your site's rank. Two popular links that we automatically include initially on all of our finished sites are Acupuncture Today and

SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time, AcuWebSites is offering Acufinder subscribers a risk free, three (3) months trial website including Hosting and Search Engine Optimization.

Call 800-581-3511 for details or to discuss any of our web services designed specifically for Acupuncturists. We offer hosting, search engine optimization, blogs and template as well as custom design websites.

Yours in Health & Technology,

Jim Dazet & Tom Campana
Co-Owners of

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I have had recurring hip pain for the last six years. At times the pain is so bad that I cannot walk, yet it hurts to sit too. Can you help?

A: Hip pain may result from trauma or overuse. Most commonly the problem is osteoarthritis. However, it could be muscle strain, inflammation of... Read More