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Acufinder Magazine: Winter 2007



Editor™s Note: Winter Reflections
By Diane Joswick, L.Ac.

Pediatric Acupuncture: Healing as a Family
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have been used to treat children in China for thousands of years.  They're just as effective now, as acupuncturist Mitch Lehman explains.
By Sam Gaines

Chinese Medicine and Infant Colic
TCM writer and practitioner Bob Flaws explains how TCM treats colic.
By Bob Flaws, L.Ac.

Childhood Allergies: Treatment Without Trouble
Lori Gilbert, L.Ac. explains how a specialized acupressure technique can help keep kids allergy-free.
By Lori Gilbert, L.Ac.

Excising Eczema from Your Child
TCM practitioners have been treating eczema, a common childhood skin condition for thousands of years.
By Robert Helmer, D.TCM, MRCHM

Asthma in Children: the Holistic Solution
Are asthmatic kids stuck with inhalers and medications? Not necessarily, thanks to acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
By Randall Neustaedter, L.Ac., OMD

Shonishin: Acupuncture for Children
Shonishin pediatric acupuncture (sho=little, ni=children, shin=needle) is a specialized form of treatment for infants and children that became renowned in the 1700s in the Osaka region of Japan.
By Brenda Loew, L.Ac.

Focal Points: Understanding Vision Problems Through TCM
In this excerpt from his book, Healing Your Eyes with Chinese Medicine, Andy Rosenfarb, L.Ac., explains the roots of eyesight disorders from the TCM perspective.
By Andy Rosenfarb, L.Ac.

Qi Gong for Weight Loss
Need to reach a healthy weight? Make these simple exercises part of your daily routine.  Lee Holden shows you how.
By Lee Holden, L.Ac.

Rest, Restore, Revitalize: Winter and TCM
Colder weather and shorter days signal a time of change for your body.
By Acufinder Staff Writer

To the Rescue
Acupuncturists Treat San Diego Fire Evacuees
By Terri Miracle

Harvard Researchers discover Genetic Link Between Limiting Calories, Longevity

By Acufinder Staff Writer

"Newest" Tool in Global Fight Against Childhood Killer? Ginger
By Acufinder Staff Writer

Chemical Foundation of TCM Becomes Clearer
By Acufinder Staff Writer

Acupuncture: Essential Part of IVF Success, Research Finds
By Acufinder Staff Writer

Acupuncture Very Effective in Treating Post-Surgery Pain
By Acufinder Staff Writer

New Lung Cancer Guidelines Point to Benefits of Acupuncture
By Acufinder Staff Writer

Recipe: Holiday Detox with Figs
By Elizabeth Lynch

In a Word: The Definition of Jing - Essence
By Acufinder Staff Writer

Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: Will acupuncture work for trigeminal neuralgia pain management?

A: According to Chinese Medicine, trigeminal neuralgia is most commonly caused by an invasion of external of Wind and Heat that blocks the flow... Read More