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HIV Wellness: Living Well with HIV

By: Dr. Misha Ruth Cohen, OMD, L.Ac.

Blending East and West: Creating a Program that Works.

I am convinced that people with HIV infection can create the most effective treatment program by combining Chinese and Western medicine under the umbrella of the Chinese philosophy of healing. When used together wisely, they provide the best chance for prolonged survival and minimal complications. That™s why, no matter what symptoms a person has, when someone comes to me for treatment I help them create a comprehensive program to restore balance to the mind/body/spirit as a whole. In addition, when called for, I also focus of providing symptomatic relief.

Sometimes that means suggesting Western and other therapies in addition to Chinese medicine. I believe strongly you do anything you can to help an individual create wholeness and wellness in their life.

For example, when someone comes to the clinic with diarrhea, we will run a Western stool test at a special laboratory called Great Smokies to see if the diarrhea is being caused by organisms which can be treated by antibiotics, herbal formulas and/or nutritional supplements. When I receive the results, I will consult with the person™s Western doctor to determine if antibiotics are the best solution, or if we can proceed with herbal formulas and nutritional supplements alone. Often we design a protocol using all three treatments.

At the same time, I will use Chinese medicine to restore balance to the mind/body/spirit and when necessary to help alleviate potentially toxic side effects of the Western medicine. I've observed that when Western drug therapy causes anemia, Chinese blood tonics and vitalizers often help reverse the reaction.

There are circumstances when we may not use Western therapy at all. Chronic sinusitis is especially suited to a combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine. And neuropathy can be treated quite well using acupuncture, moxibustion, massage and in some cases herbs.

Choosing the most appropriate therapy or combination of therapies to restore harmony to the whole mind/body/spirit gives the person with HIV/AIDS an opportunity to put together a powerful regimen of healing.

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About the Author

Dr. Misha Ruth Cohen, OMD, L.Ac., has over 25 years experience in the practice of Asian medicine--including acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition and diet, and Asian bodywork.
Misha is the author of three books: The Chinese Way to Healing: Many Paths to Wholeness; The HIV Wellness Sourcebook: and The Hepatitis C Helpbook. She is internationally known as a practitioner, teacher, and mentor to Chinese medicine practitioners around the world.

Today, Cohen has developed great expertise in the area of gynecology and is considered one of the pioneers of utilizing Chinese medicine to help treat HIV and AIDS.

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