Liver 08 (LIV 8)
Pinyin Name & English Translation
Ququan, Spring at the Bend
When the knee is flexed, the point is in the depression above the medial end of the transverse popliteal crease, posterior to the medial epicondyle of the femur, on the anterior part of the insertion of muscle semimembranosus and muscle semitendinosus.
Prolaspose of uterus, lower abdominal ain, retention of urine, nocturnal emission, pain in external genitalia, pruritus vulvae, pain in medial aspect of the knee and thigh.
Traditional Action
Maciocia, Giovanni. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1989
O’Connor, John and Bensky, Dan, trans. Acupuncture, A Comprehensive Text. Seattle: Eastland Press, 1981
Xinnong, Cheng, et al. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1987.