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04/20/2024 12:21:30 am
Injury Prevention and Healing
By: Acufinder Editorial Staff

Don’t let your pledge to get into shape be derailed by a sports injury.

Fitness clubs across the country are full of enthusiastic individuals giving it their all to get fit or drop a few pounds.  Unfortunately, some of these new athletes try to do too much too quickly, and can pay a painful price.  

Recent studies show that acupuncture effectively treats sports injuries such as strains; sprains; neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle pain; repetitive use syndromes; swollen muscles and shin splints.

Treatment for a sports injury with acupuncture and Oriental medicine has two objectives:

1. Reduce pain and inflammation of the injured area.

There is evidence that acupuncture can aid healing and resolution of injuries, including reducing pain, increasing local microcirculation and attracting white blood cells to the area, both of which speed the healing rate, and aid dispersal of swelling and bruising.

2. Prevent further injuries and enhance athletic performance.

The best way to approach a fitness program without causing injury is not to dive in, but to take it slow and get the joints and muscles you haven’t used in a while ready to be used again.

If you suffer a setback in your fitness routine, contact a practitioner near you for more information about treatment options.

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04/20/2024 12:21:30 am