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Large-Scale Study Shows Acupuncture is Effective for Many Skin Conditions

By: Vanessa Vogel Batt L.Ac. MSOM

According to a large-scale analysis carried out by medical researchers, acupuncture is an effective primary treatment for a variety of dermatological conditions. As reported in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2015, evidence compiled from 24 different scientific studies, underwent a thorough investigation.

Researchers evaluated scientific studies performed on numerous types of skin conditions. They included ectopic dermatitus (eczema), pruritus (intense itching), urticaria (hives), acne, neurodermatitis (chronic, severe itching), chloasma (rashes due to pregnancy) and facial elasticity.

Out of the 24 studies examined, 17 of them showed positive results with the use of acupuncture, including significant improvements in symptoms. As the number of people seeking Oriental Medicine treatments increases, the researchers recommend further studies to fully understand the mechanisms that drive acupuncture and how it can treat skin conditions.

Source: Ma C, Sivamani RK. Acupuncture as a Treatment Modality in Dermatology: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Sep;21(9):520-9. doi: 10.1089/acm.2014.0274. Epub 2015 Jun 26.

About the Author: Vanessa Vogel Batt, L.Ac., MSTOM, studied at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, and practiced acupuncture and Oriental medicine in New York for several years. Vanessa enjoys traveling the world, and has published articles on acupuncture and Oriental medicine and related health topics for websites and publications in both the U.S. and abroad.

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