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Acupuncture Practitioners in London,United Kingdom

Rosalie Segal Bsc (Hons) MBAcC MSTAT
Body Holistic
43 Pine Road
London, North London NW2 6SB
United Kingdom
Martin Logue BSc (Hons) TCM, BSc (Hons) Western Herbal Medicine; MNIMH MRCHM MATCM
Winchmore Clinic
925 Green Lanes
London, Winchmore Hill N21 2LH
United Kingdom

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I am getting ready to have my first child and it is important to me to deliver my baby naturally; without an epidural or pain medication. What are some good acupuncture points for managing pain during labor and delivery?

A: For natural labor, most texts discuss the use of acupuncture to strengthen uterine contractions, but some points that induce contractions ar... Read More