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Brenda Loew, M.Ac., L.Ac.

Brenda Loew, M.Ac., EAMP, L.Ac., specializes in Japanese acupuncture techniques, primarily Toyohari Meridian Therapy, Manaka Yin-yang Channel Balancing Therapies and Shonishin (pediatrics).  She has studied Toyohari Meridian Therapy since 1994 with advanced studies in the U.S., Europe and Japan, and is an approved U.S. Instructor for the Toyohari Association since 1997.

Practicing in Seattle, Washington since 1991, she was on the faculty at the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NIAOM) from 1994 to 2002, and is currently clinical adjunct faculty at Bastyr University in Seattle and adjunct faculty at Middle Way Acupuncture Institute in Mt. Vernon, WA. She has taught at the Pacific Rim College of Integrative Therapies (Victoria, B.C.), Wu Hsing Tao Acupuncture School in Seattle, National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR, the Institute of Traditional Medicine (Toronto, Canada) and Cercle des Arts Thérapeutiques in Montreal, Canada as well as, teaching Toyohari Meridian Therapy, Shonishin japanese pediatric needle therapy and Manaka Yin Yang Channel Balancing Therapies in other locations around North America.

She is President Emeritus of the National Board of the Toyohari Association of North America (TANA), co-founder of the Japanese Acupuncture Institute (JAI), LLC, current President of the Northwest Branch of the Toyohari Association of North America, co-founder and team leader of Seattle Acupuncture for Veterans, and on the editorial board of Keiraku Chiryo International Toyohari Newsletter.

Shonishin pediatric acupuncture (sho=little, ni=children, shin=needle) is a specialized form of treatment for infants and children that became renowned in the 1700s in the Osaka region of Japan. To this day, Japanese parents regularly bring ...

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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I have Interstitial Cystitis or Painful Bladder Syndrome. Can acupuncture help?

A: Yes, acupuncture and Oriental medicine have a lot to offer in terms of treatment for interstitial cystitis (IC) and relief from related disc... Read More