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Chinese Medicine Treatment Of Yeast Infections From Candida Albicans

By: Katherine Stott

Candida albicans is at the root of yeast infections, causing great discomfort for women with what is more commonly known as vaginal thrush. While recurrent thrush can be very concerning, it can also be overcome. An overgrowth of Candida albicans can be caused by a number of different things, including:

•    A diet high in sugary foods and yeast products
•    Wearing tight clothing
•    Heightened sexual activity
•    Overuse of antibiotics
•    Overuse of alcohol
•    Problems with the immune system

While thrush alone is frustrating, it is the continual recurrence that gets people down, as it can be quite a process to get rid of it in the first place. By using Chinese medicinal herbs and principles of diet, Candida albicans can be overcome. There are also some studies that suggest that acupuncture can help stimulate the immune system, which in turn helps ward off the yeast infection.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Candida albicans is viewed as a dampness in the lower areas of the body, which creates a playground for thrush to thrive. There is a deficiency of qi in the spleen, which is what leads to the symptoms of dampness. According to Chinese herbal specialists, the thrush is opportunistic and simply requires the environment to be just right for it to grow. By disrupting this environment and restoring the balance of the body, and restoring qi to the spleen, Candida albicans cannot survive.

Introducing a proper diet is the first step towards creating an unhospitable environment for Candida to survive. A diet rich in green, leafy vegetables, garlic, artichokes, barley and mung beans will help restore balance to the body, as will nuts, seeds and associated oils. By avoiding the following foods, there is less chance of overgrowth occurring:

•    Dairy products
•    Alcohol
•    Sugary foods
•    Fermented foods
•    Mushrooms – fungus
•    Cold and raw foods that create dampness

There are a number of different Chinese herbal remedies that should be taken as an accompaniment to the proper diet in order to rid the body of Candida albicans. These should be formulated according to personal specifics with a licensed practitioner. The herbs used will be those that are readily able to treat fungal infections and help clear the system of dampness.

Once balance is restored, it’s important to maintain an appropriate diet that won’t create the right environment for Candida albicans to thrive. Recurrence can also be stopped by continuing with a healthy diet free from alcohol, sugary foods and yeast products. Following the above pointers will ensure this. The moment thrush returns, one must look at what foods or drinks were being consumed, whether or not antibiotics were being taken in abundance, or what other causes could have re-introduced the symptoms.

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About the Author: Katherine Stott owns Archetype Copywriting, a company that writes content for multiple businesses, including Kolorex, a South African treatment for thrush.


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