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Acupuncture Practitioners in Brooklyn,NY

Bonafide Acupuncture and Herbs
36 plaza street E
brooklyn, NY 11238
Denise Bradbie Licensed Acupuncturist
Balanced Center
169 Wythe Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11249

Additional Acupuncturists near Brooklyn, NY


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Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I always crave sweets and chocolate while my husband will always choose salty foods like potato chips over candy. Why do we crave certain flavors and what does it mean from a Chinese medicine point-of-view?

A: Acufinder Poll Results, Spring 2006What flavor do you crave, most often?Sweet (941 votes) - 60.59%Salty (405 votes) - 26.08%Sour (56 votes) ... Read More