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Sandra Bullock Secret to Staying Young is Acupuncture

By: Acufinder Editorial Staff

3-19-2010: This week, yet another celebrity reveals that her secret to keeping young is acupuncture.

According to celebrity gossip website,, Hollywood superstar Sandra Bullock - who recently won an Oscar for her role in The Blind Side - has regular sessions of acupuncture.

"Sandra gets the treatment three times a week whether she's at home on or on set" a source revealed to ShowBizSpy  "It's in her contract that studios have to pay for it!"

Ask The Acupuncturist

Q: I am 64 years old. I have had non-insulin-dependent (type II) diabetes mellitus for 10 years and have controlled it with medication during that time. Can acupuncture help keep my blood sugar levels in a realistic range?

A: Yes. An estimated 5.5 million Americans are being treated for diabetes mellitus, one of the world's oldest known diseasesOften diet and exer... Read More